

How does it work?

The device has gold-plated needles and an electrode that delivers a radiofrequency current deep into the dermis of the skin. The needles cause micro-puncture channels in the skin and the radio frequency heats up the tissue. This triggers the skin’s natural healing process, causing the skin to produce collagen, elastin and new skin cells, which results in smoother, tighter skin.

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What areas can be treated by Genius? How soon do you see results?

Genius RF can be used all over the face and body. It helps correct fine lines and wrinkles, skin laxity, acne scarring, stretch marks, and more. Results can be seen after one treatment but it typically takes 3 treatments for optimal results. Unlike many other procedures, Genius has long-lasting results since it is your own body that is at work. The effects could last for years.

Who is a candidate for Genius? Is there any downtime?

Microneedling is safe and effective for all skin types and has very little downtime!
The treated area will have some initial redness and swelling immediately following the treatment, followed by 3-5 days of sandpaper-like texture. Direct sun exposure should be avoided the week following the procedure.

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How long does it take? Is it painful?

The session lasts approximately two hours, but can vary depending on the area of the body being treated. A topical numbing cream is applied an hour prior to treatment to help alleviate any discomfort. After the microneedling portion is complete, LaseMD is used to target deep and superficial layers of the skin. The last step is the application of PRF (platelet rich fibrin) which helps to induce collagen production and optimize results.

How long will my outcomes last?

Unlike many other treatments, this one produces long-term effects since it is your own body at work. The benefits might persist for years with proper maintenance and a comprehensive skincare regimen.

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What is the procedure for Genius RF Skin Tightening?

Genius RF employs two collagen-inducing techniques for skin tightening: microneedling and radiofrequency radiation. Microneedling includes inserting several tiny needles into the skin, each of which creates a small channel that the body interprets as a wound. This causes a healing response, including increased collagen formation to restore the skin. The procedure also enhances the skin texture around each tiny channel.

Genius RF’s small needles penetrate the skin and deliver radiofrequency radiation to the tissue. This coagulates the existing collagen, resulting in a smoother, more uniform appearance on the surface. It also stimulates collagen formation, which aids in skin tightening. The collagen manufacturing process takes weeks and months, resulting in apparent gradual benefits. This new collagen will deteriorate over time. Skin-tightening treatments can be done regularly to maintain a smoother, more youthful appearance. Genius RF requires little downtime and is suitable for most skin types.